11 February 2012


What, stoppunning?!  Ayeve tryeed, bit canaled deWit.  Eiffeld twained this tour of Babble.  Pottery's Injeness Nineveh Finnish, marely a bandersnatched, by farce, Invalerytilly pursed.  Or, invaliant errorly, hey janxt (looka zoombye) to sin (a loa) Ogun.  Judah spree day-scholier complines, tiercely vespers (no stannic-luck skulker he!)--one true dreamer, force physix, Sabinate, nein? (Pauzze.  Caezura dime)-- Quarkadaedaldue!  Time to begin agoing, run agate, pun agon, feign again Funny Jin--wake, Wake, WAKE! 

Too right, thus aweigh, assisi, and have it formal a swell.  Insufferablated by Choice's pneuma tics, my inner landscage is idealectofried--TVA not TV, doubt it's quotation.  Can eumenides?  O rest esy?  Half-barred dreams: Aye dares drub.  Discursive anymadhesion.  Eave bloukoum a lily blottoseater; strap-in his daffycult.  I symphony infacted by counter-Joyce memes, and Av nenuphar boon taxineeded.  Pun is borne to troubledears, Oster sparks flyipwords.  The associolitterative fooled Safire, stumped at buttahflayr epigone. Sample gracers: Rudely Macher (trubba not!); mucklurk porridge, Al Exemo horrorshow troll; the toy-tripped triggers oft Infancy; undercourse Elys'on pundermandrillum, uthers sow wider.  Yorick, light us, torch us to Cairo not Tokay, Teacher's Toby's still.  Helpless nutter Step hen dearsome forever twyst!  But aleas it's nogoad Tory.

  Sylph:  I canna chop it thin?  Thus Joyous understundying vie meimeosas, winter lowqualizing a weigh-in to dreamcountrary?  O Kay, olio jokester asked, ifso, fatso, howlieu prosecede?  Wet thrulles aptlie to stitch lottery Brücke-lodge?  Cittá folk shun, O say, crossmess parzle, bward Jamie?  Interattunement, Homerseal troade, or crowdery pleasesir?  Sot factor affliction?  Whit jersey muds: demonstretchin, nondescript shun, X prosession, Palli A. Nation, rammit orgy, sa-Tyrosickle, pirady, Mimi sissy?  Howdyah delemmingate the banned rose (banloose) of the fold?  How chorale yore ward-hordses?  Hard to pastrify the wards of the tribune?  Hot, O Shepard Katz?  Mechno punsensor porpoise?  Canst raize (Levin ate) tunas, widowed Annette?  If Corsican watch the store, York, hourmature (skillet, hon) of the Noratiff: bedwetter the mussels, nervous vassals, ees hares ort?  Sominy questings to parseyou.  Shadowl sovereignty tropes of ambiquity (and Emp some!) being cloudded?  Assured eliberation valeted?  Baith bountiful and trop (obstruct end o' days)?  Watts gesso, wits ever rot?  Waits allwed, weights frere verse?  Shoedye shawharm in as manna aliments as acorn, chap fulla nuts as a chickmump, strewords a rum galleon, tumuli risings inter priddeng?  Willa cockup a hottering djinnius hog gluten notion laika lingual carabiniaro; testy mettle of saucy Jessy; succotash haggies (bile and babble); cadger eye spice messer pourritch?  De-eyesore me!
   Saul:  Shore, vittles?  Bouillevairsse!  Exspoliade the starry!  Tother modyarn traumbuck wrider tortoise--that Kill-ease--abeaut sidekick debtor minis-truism, trustyer umclampshears prunning for narrowtive thryst.  His new roses, Joyses his steery, both pen in umbrage of asocialoceans, and scrumptiously.  Tokarev the zounds intersensual ticker-off thumbs' elves.  So daunt be Freudened, done by tents, juiced we g'wam and Cotuit!
    Sylph:  You sore?
    Saul:  Look, thrust the farce, ma'an!
  Sylph:  Oaky dukey.  Hearbsalyst of scourses.  Yesumé personnel references?  Lowcal crullers (var. Bosthoon)--Bacon Hell; Scopellay Swear; Slumbervoale; Kenless Square knowmore, Sue Barbie Ann; Citgo letitgo; Johnnycake Tour (impudential); Onion Squalor; D'ya make her Plain? 
    Saul:  Chick.  (A labret ploy Izvestia?  O ja!)
    Sylph:  Alfabestial Lisztry?   Bottle nymps?
    Saul:  Czech.
    Sylph:  Joggerforay, litterchore, seance? 
    Saul:  Wattles?
    Sylph:  Walkabout rheumor, is't loud?  Watteauve hoarselauves, mimsy, comodices?
  Saul:  Nonono!  Rot a jakes in this wool outrance: Thesis a sillious bidness, labor nth deggereel--*y--aspace dumbisilly!  Caper opinium tersleef!  Shawzam daiquirum!  No luffing alewd, check?  De Gowin and kip Gawain.
    Sylph:  Orthy doxy.  Landbridge of flow-ers?  Epithetamicum?
    Saul:  Chuck.
    Sylph:  Lokiye.  In dreck Aleutians, light sportif, relaytod Thebes? 
    Saul:  Chock.
  Sylph:  End of cruise, occidental fallicities scribed or proscribed.  Murther my sweets!  Weed opus, Lex!  But witch sweats to murder?  Huw Chewsent?  Phlox simple, houselye maim this hearsay?  Mickeyrooney swallowed?  Mockarunic solid?  Macarena sullied?  Amuckrunning sillied?  Ouchoos!?  
    Saul:  Idaho: Alaska.

No wandered he, switzlered perchoyce, O fill the jim joynts, t'wake poorshames to drame, for sovran teen ears!  Sinjim, sat a pun by paronomastoidtons, pain (de mie) urged and pendaemoniummed, Persse-coted by punic worse (lexsicle hannibalism), noncompulssed by part-manitou men (yeah!), wile mystering the drum-rules (ratatat!) uffish Walking dream.  Imogene a brain carrion thus concertant malty fairyous rubegold burglary for Mavourneen tears--eye coddled toowhit!  Purr Neora honor dear swore.  Drovers missus Crécy dinnit (viz., Anneye Loveya Pleurable: "you're but a puny")?  Oris dotterloo ciao, ennuwaye, Poirdiers.  Offer goose to court Agin, fair punnish mint, allaway to the crack of Bloom, grinning agape, bigeminy!  Git they to a punnery!

Orca.  Em dun.  Dun dun dundun!  O dew pleez stoop!  Curia eleysian!  Fad enough!  Himmell!  Humbled mitrailleuse auto ammo.  Gatling dun.  Sprint atomich tie 'em allrouty.  No a good jim, joys?  Got a staff exorcising.  Ampersesst, picklerow, dangbit, opperculased in wittier prankster's double!  Neighs most rendered teuful drives-- cant Abaddoneate-- nighdsmair yelp from author humor banes: lemma outer Dis!  Anyibuddy dare to helpum, pure pidgin?  Cannae hylp his sylph!  Halp!  Hipholp!  Help fiend me I!

Harp!  Wot voyce from yonder bingalow spakes?  Tis my Angel--and auld Nick is the son!  Nearabby!  Lesson, they sez (baht a yiz togather, now, croon brillo): "Top hat frighting, Daddy Big Juan!  Eetee caul whom!"  Graciaus, byabbies, hankies lots, Justin Thyme.  Re-systemboots utile.  Ohm hoom noo.  One last punt, phought to Finnishan; jest Ablather Lashted Parriody.  This: .  Full stop; abundant; woke up.

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